Tutorial Of Ninja Foodie Grill Lemon Pepper Shrimp for a Salad Delicious

The Recipe For Making Ninja Foodie Grill Lemon Pepper Shrimp for a Salad.

Ninja Foodie Grill Lemon Pepper Shrimp for a Salad You can make Ninja Foodie Grill Lemon Pepper Shrimp for a Salad using 4 ingredients in 4 quick steps. The following is an easy way to make it.

Ingredients Required To Make Ninja Foodie Grill Lemon Pepper Shrimp for a Salad

  1. Insert of Shrimp.
  2. Add of Vegetables oil.
  3. Mix of Lemon pepper seasoning.
  4. Add of Salad.

Step By Step To Make Ninja Foodie Grill Lemon Pepper Shrimp for a Salad

  1. Spray shrimp with vegetable oil seasoning with lemon pepper.
  2. Pre heat grill on medium cook time 6 mins but will only be cooking about 2 mins per side.
  3. Flip after 2 mins of cooking keep an eye on them this doesn’t take long..
  4. .

That's how to make Ninja Foodie Grill Lemon Pepper Shrimp for a Salad Recipe.
