How To Make Spicy Mincemeat Brinjal Super Fast

The Recipe For Making Spicy Mincemeat Brinjal.

Spicy Mincemeat Brinjal You can make Spicy Mincemeat Brinjal using 9 ingredients in 3 quick steps. The following is an easy way to make it.

Ingredients Required To Make Spicy Mincemeat Brinjal

  1. Add 2 pcs of Brinjal/Eggs Planta.
  2. Add of (A) Chili's Paste (minced).
  3. Fill 400 g of Onion.
  4. Insert 50 g of Chili's.
  5. Fill 20 g of Garlic.
  6. Fill 300 g of Dried Shrimp.
  7. Add 400 ml of Vegetables Oil.
  8. Fill Pinch of Salt.
  9. Insert Pinch of Sugar.

Easy Way To Make Spicy Mincemeat Brinjal

  1. Prepare chili's paste shown in Section-A. Minced all ingredients and Stir-fried in low heat wok..
  2. 2pcs of Brinjal cut into half and steam for 20 mintes.
  3. After 20 minutes, remove the Brinjal from the steamer then applied chili's paste as topping and ready to be served..

That's how to make Spicy Mincemeat Brinjal Recipe.
