Tutorial Of Homemade potato crisps Very Simple

The Recipe For Making Homemade potato crisps.

Homemade potato crisps You can make Homemade potato crisps using 7 ingredients in 3 quick steps. The following is an easy way to make it.

Ingredients Required To Make Homemade potato crisps

  1. Add 4 of potatoes.
  2. Fill of Salt.
  3. Insert 2-3 cups of sunflower oil.
  4. Prepare of For seasoning.
  5. Fill of Oregano or.
  6. Fill of Grated gruyere or.
  7. Fill of Sweet paprika.

Step By Step To Make Homemade potato crisps

  1. Wash the potatoes. If the skin is well clean, leave the skins on, if not, take the skin off with a peeler. Then, cut the potatoes in very thin slices with a madolin or a peeler. Season them with salt (at your choice).
  2. Pit the oil in a pan under high heat. When the oil is hot enough, add the potatoes. Depending on the size of the pan, you may need to fry them in 2 parts. When they get a nice colour remove them from the oil and place them on some kitchen roll to absorb the oil..
  3. After a 1-2 mins that most of the oil will have been absorbed, season at your choice. I sprinkled some oregano. Instead, you can add some grated gruyere - in this case do not salt the potatoes at all, since the cheese is already salty enough. Enjoy!.

That's how to make Homemade potato crisps Recipe.
