Tutorial Of Coated Prawns Very Simple

The Recipe For Making Coated Prawns.

Coated Prawns You can make Coated Prawns using 8 ingredients in 4 quick steps. The following is an easy way to make it.

Ingredients Required To Make Coated Prawns

  1. Fill 5 of large tiger prawns.
  2. Prepare of Cornstarch.
  3. Prepare 1 of egg.
  4. Prepare of White pepper.
  5. Fill 1 of little bit salt.
  6. Mix of Chilli powder.
  7. Insert 1 of little water.
  8. Prepare 1 of little spring onion for garnishing.

Quick Step To Make Coated Prawns

  1. Wash then remove shell and intestine of the prawns. Wash again and set aside.
  2. Mix all the ingredients above except the prawn. Make a creamy batter mixture. Then add prawns and coat it very well..
  3. In a wok pour cooking oil make sure it's hot. Then deep fry prawn one by one. Make sure also that it is submerge in oil. To cook well inside..
  4. Serve with mayonnaise or ketchup.

That's how to make Coated Prawns Recipe.
