How To Make Garlicky and Gingery Shrimps😊 Tasty

The Recipe For Making Garlicky and Gingery Shrimps😊.

Garlicky and Gingery Shrimps😊 You can make Garlicky and Gingery Shrimps😊 using 6 ingredients in 4 quick steps. The following is an easy way to make it.

Ingredients Required To Make Garlicky and Gingery Shrimps😊

  1. Prepare 500 gr of shrimps, remove shells.
  2. Prepare 1 head of garlic, minced.
  3. Fill Half of ginger, minced.
  4. Mix To taste of White pepper.
  5. Insert 1 tbsp of ketchup.
  6. Prepare To taste of Salt and sugar.

Step By Step To Make Garlicky and Gingery Shrimps😊

  1. Wash, remove the shell and the intestine of shrimp..
  2. Heat pan and add oil. Stir fry ginger and garlic together..
  3. Dont stop stirring to prevent from burning. Then add shrimp stirfry.
  4. Addsalt sugar ketchup and white pepper and continue cooking.(don't over cooked shrimp).

That's how to make Garlicky and Gingery Shrimps😊 Recipe.
