Recipe of Soy Sauce Prawn 晒油王 So Easy

The Recipe For Making Soy Sauce Prawn 晒油王.

Soy Sauce Prawn 晒油王 You can make Soy Sauce Prawn 晒油王 using 3 ingredients in 2 quick steps. The following is an easy way to make it.

Ingredients Required To Make Soy Sauce Prawn 晒油王

  1. Mix 6 pcs of Prawn.
  2. Mix 6 tsp of Sugar.
  3. Mix 2 tsp of Soy Sauce.

Step By Step To Make Soy Sauce Prawn 晒油王

  1. Deep fried the Prawn into the hot oil, drain and keep a side for next step...
  2. Wok with low heat, add in sugar and soy sauce (without water). Melting the sugar until feeling sticky then add in the prawn and Stir-fried quickly... and ready to be serve..

That's how to make Soy Sauce Prawn 晒油王 Recipe.
