How To Make Drunken noodle (shrimp) Very Simple

The Recipe For Making Drunken noodle (shrimp).

Drunken noodle (shrimp) You can make Drunken noodle (shrimp) using 9 ingredients in 5 quick steps. The following is an easy way to make it.

Ingredients Required To Make Drunken noodle (shrimp)

  1. Mix 1 pack of flake rice noodle.
  2. Mix 7-10 pcs of shrimp.
  3. Add Half of bell peper.
  4. Mix of Little bit of white onion.
  5. Fill of Little bit of green onion.
  6. Prepare 1 of tbps soy sauce.
  7. Fill 1 of tbps oyster sauce.
  8. Mix 1 of tbps mushroom sauce.
  9. Insert 1-2 of eggs.

Step By Step To Make Drunken noodle (shrimp)

  1. Cook water and put the noodle for 2-3 mins until it soft then take out and dry.
  2. Put vegetable oil and little bit butter until it hot then put egg and stir it,.
  3. And then put onion bellpeper and green onion together and mix it.
  4. And the last put the noodle and soy sauce, oyster and mushroom sauce.
  5. Stir it and mix everything and your meal ready :).

That's how to make Drunken noodle (shrimp) Recipe.
