How To Cook Potatoes and Marinated Fruits Step by Step

The Recipe For Making Potatoes and Marinated Fruits.

Potatoes and Marinated Fruits You can make Potatoes and Marinated Fruits using 7 ingredients in 5 quick steps. The following is an easy way to make it.

Ingredients Required To Make Potatoes and Marinated Fruits

  1. Prepare of ・220g potatoes.
  2. Insert of ・1 tablespoon vinegar(used when boiling).
  3. Fill of ★2 tablespoons jam(more or less if you like).
  4. Mix of ★3 tablespoons vinegar.
  5. Add of ★6 tablespoons olive oil.
  6. Insert of ★A little bit of pepper.
  7. Insert of ★A little bit of salt.

Step By Step To Make Potatoes and Marinated Fruits

  1. Put ★ in a bowl and mix it..
  2. Peel the potatoes and shred them..
  3. Mix water with vinegar in a pot and put it on medium heat..
  4. When 3 starts boiling,add potatoes and boil on medium heat for 10-15 minutes..
  5. When potatoes start to become translucent,turn off the fire,drain the water and put the potatoes into a bowl. Add 1 and mix everything well. (It will taste better if you cool it down and marinate it in the refrigerator for 1 hour or more.).

That's how to make Potatoes and Marinated Fruits Recipe.
