How To Cook Petai With Prawn in Sambal Very Simple

The Recipe For Making Petai With Prawn in Sambal.

Petai With Prawn in Sambal You can make Petai With Prawn in Sambal using 7 ingredients in 4 quick steps. The following is an easy way to make it.

Ingredients Required To Make Petai With Prawn in Sambal

  1. Insert of Petai.
  2. Insert of Small prawns.
  3. Insert of Onions.
  4. Mix 2 tbsp of Sambal belacan.
  5. Insert 1 tbsp of soy sauce.
  6. Prepare 1 tbsp of sweet soy sauce.
  7. Prepare 3 tbsp of water.

Step By Step To Make Petai With Prawn in Sambal

  1. Cut petai into half and remove the inner seed. Wash clean in water. Boil the petai in a pot of hot water for 5 minutes to make it softer and set aside..
  2. Heat up 1 tbsp oil in wok and quick stir fry some prawns and set aside. You can marinate the prawns with salt, sugar and some pepper for 20 minutes before cooking..
  3. Heat up wok with 1 tbsp oil again and stir fry onions till aroma and put in the petai. Toss a few rounds and add in the prawns..
  4. Add soy sauce, sweet soy sauce and sambal. Stir fry a bit and add in some water and let it boil and simmer for 3 minutes. Ready to serve..

That's how to make Petai With Prawn in Sambal Recipe.
