Recipe of My Own Version of Egg Foo Young Super Fast

The Recipe For Making My Own Version of Egg Foo Young.

My Own Version of Egg Foo Young You can make My Own Version of Egg Foo Young using 8 ingredients in 3 quick steps. The following is an easy way to make it.

Ingredients Required To Make My Own Version of Egg Foo Young

  1. Prepare 4 of eggs.
  2. Insert 10 pcs of tiger prawn, cut into 3 parts.
  3. Mix Half of small bowl of minced pork.
  4. Insert of Spring onion.
  5. Insert of White pepper.
  6. Mix of Carrot, thinly sliced.
  7. Add Half of green capsicum.
  8. Fill Dash of salt.

Easy Way To Make My Own Version of Egg Foo Young

  1. In a wok add oil, then stir fry minced pork Cook until done then add prawns, carrot, capsicum and cook a while. Transfer to a plate and let it cool.
  2. In a big bowl crack eggs, add pepper spring onion and a little salt. Then beat it until the egg mixture are fluffy then pour the cooked ings. Mix well.
  3. Then heat a pan add oil and batch by batch scoop the mixture and fry..

That's how to make My Own Version of Egg Foo Young Recipe.
