How To Make Gambas Al Ajillo (Spanish Garlic Shrimp)🇪🇸 Very Simple

The Recipe For Making Gambas Al Ajillo (Spanish Garlic Shrimp)🇪🇸.

Gambas Al Ajillo (Spanish Garlic Shrimp)🇪🇸 You can make Gambas Al Ajillo (Spanish Garlic Shrimp)🇪🇸 using 8 ingredients in 3 quick steps. The following is an easy way to make it.

Ingredients Required To Make Gambas Al Ajillo (Spanish Garlic Shrimp)🇪🇸

  1. Fill 800 gr of Raw Jumbo Shrimp.
  2. Prepare 115 ml of Olive Oil.
  3. Fill 1/3 Cup of Chicken Broth/ White Wine (I use Chicken broth).
  4. Add 10 Clove of Garlic (Chopped or thinly Slice).
  5. Insert 2 Tbsp of Parsley (Chopped).
  6. Insert of Fresh Lemon as you need (Optional).
  7. Insert 1 Tsp of Ground Paprika.
  8. Prepare of Salt-Black Pepper.

Step By Step To Make Gambas Al Ajillo (Spanish Garlic Shrimp)🇪🇸

  1. Pat down raw jumbo shrimp (peeled and deveined) with the tails off. Season the shrimp with sea salt and black pepper. Heat the oil in a large sauté pan over medium to low heat. Add in the chopped garlic and cook it for 2 minutes. Turn up the heat to medium-high and then add the shrimp into the pan. Cook the shrimp for 2 minutes on each side..
  2. Then add in the chicken broth/ white wine, paprika powder, half parsley chopped and squeezed lemon. After a total cooking time of about 4 minutes on the prawn, remove the pan from the heat and transfer everything onto a serving dish..
  3. Top the shrimp with the remaining parsley. You can serve this dish with many other foods such as toasted French bread or cooked rice. Enjoy!😉.

That's how to make Gambas Al Ajillo (Spanish Garlic Shrimp)🇪🇸 Recipe.
