Recipe of Krazy Kurland Coconut Shrimp Curry Very Simple

The Recipe For Making Krazy Kurland Coconut Shrimp Curry.

Krazy Kurland Coconut Shrimp Curry You can make Krazy Kurland Coconut Shrimp Curry using 15 ingredients in 7 quick steps. The following is an easy way to make it.

Ingredients Required To Make Krazy Kurland Coconut Shrimp Curry

  1. Add 1 of large onion, minced.
  2. Insert 2-3 TBSP of oil.
  3. Insert 2 of large pinches kosher salt.
  4. Mix 4 cloves of garlic, minced.
  5. Mix 1 inch of ginger, minced.
  6. Fill 1 tsp of cumin.
  7. Fill 1 TBSP of turmeric.
  8. Prepare 1 tsp of hot paprika.
  9. Prepare 1 tsp of chili.
  10. Insert 1/2 tsp of coriander.
  11. Prepare 1 TBSP of oil to blossom dry ingredients.
  12. Prepare 1 (14 oz) of can diced tomatoes.
  13. Add 1 (14 oz) of can coconut milk.
  14. Mix 2 lbs of shrimp.
  15. Prepare 2 TBSP of cilantro, minced.

Quick Step To Make Krazy Kurland Coconut Shrimp Curry

  1. Cook onion in ~3 TBSP oil with 2 pinches kosher salt on med-high heat. Add water to speed process..
  2. Once translucent, pool onions and bloom garlic, ginger and dry spices in ~1 TBSP oil. Cook through about 2-3 min.
  3. Add tomatoes, cook another 3 mins..
  4. Add coconut milk. Mix and cook semi-covered on med-high heat ~10 minutes, stirring occasionally..
  5. Reduce heat to medium. Add shrimp. Cook until all white/pink, ~3-4 minutes..
  6. Add cilantro. Mix and cook an additional 1-2 minutes..
  7. Done! Serve over rice..

That's how to make Krazy Kurland Coconut Shrimp Curry Recipe.
