How To Cook Noodle Soup Tasty

The Recipe For Making Noodle Soup.

Noodle Soup You can make Noodle Soup using 6 ingredients in 1 quick steps. The following is an easy way to make it.

Ingredients Required To Make Noodle Soup

  1. Add 3 of eggs.
  2. Add Half of pack crab stick.
  3. Mix 6 pcs of shrimp dumpling.
  4. Prepare of Around 15 pcs stalks of bakchoy.
  5. Prepare 1 pack of noodle.
  6. Add of Chicken powder.

Quick Step To Make Noodle Soup

  1. In a pot bring water to boil then poach the eggs then set aside. Then boil dumpling for 5 mins then set aside. Throw water. Boil new water add the noodle and vege and the rest of ings. Season the soup with chicken powder..

That's how to make Noodle Soup Recipe.
